Top 5 Wednesday was created by Lainey at Gingerreadslainey and is now hosted by Sam from Thoughts On Tomes. Topics can be found at the Top 5 Wednesday Goodreads Group

It’s Top 5 Wednesday Time again and we’re talking books that got removed from our TBR’s. Honestly this was a challenging topic just because I couldn’t remember lots of the books I have actually removed and it was hard to narrow down which ones I had removed that people would .. care about? Lots of the books I have removed from my TBR have been kinda random and unknown or not very popular books, often ones with around a 3 star rating on Goodreads. But I came up with five so lets just into it!


Image result for throne of glass

1: The Throne of Glass Series by Sarah J. Maas

This entire series was on my TBR but I removed all of the Maas books I had on my TBR just before the beginning of the year. I read Throne of Glass and really didn’t like it, and while I thought I might keep the books to give them a chance I decided I never would, so I removed them all. I also removed the ACOTAR series because I can’t be bothered with that one either.

Image result for glass sword

2: Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

This is another series where I read the first book and didn’t like it. I kept Glass Sword on my TBR for so long thinking I would eventually try it just to see if the series improves but I realised I was never going to get to it and there’s no point trying to read a series I pretty much know I won’t enjoy. So I removed it.

Image result for lunar chronicles book cover

3: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

I had this on my TBR because it’s such a popular series. I felt like I should read it since everyone loves it but the longer I had it on my TBR the more I realised I wasn’t really that interested in reading this. The entire concept never really piqued my interest and I don’t want to read books just because of the hype. Also, I found out this is one of those series every ever book follows different characters and I really don’t like those series much.

Image result for beauty queens libba bray

4: Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

So I ADORE The Diviners by Libba Bray but I deleted this from my TBR. I thought I would read it since I liked The Diviners so much but the more people talked about it the more I was put off. I know there was a lot of representation issues in this book so even though Libba Bray is a favourite author this has been deleted from my TBR.

Image result for IT book

5: IT by Stephen King

So this is an Extremely Popular Book and I LOVED the 2017 movie. But I watched a bunch of reviews on this book and Adriana’s especially really put me off the book. There seems to be a lot of things I know I will hate (child orgies?) in this book and so I just don’t want to put myself through reading this long ass book just to not enjoy it. I’ll stick with the movie.


Those are all the books I will be talking about today! Obviously I’ve deleted a lot more than 5 books off my TBR in my lifetime but I thought these ones were of note since they’re popular books/series.

As this posts I will be in Melbourne so I will try to get to comments but if not, we will chat when I return!

until next time!

xo jamieson


  1. Alexa says:

    Ch… child orgies? For real? Although idk why I’m surprised :/


  2. Glass Sword is so not worth it…it’s the most annoying thing ever. I’ve read ToG and Lunar Chronicles and love both, but your reasons to remove them from your TBR seem fair enough!


  3. Rachana says:

    4/5 of the books you removed are books (or series) I’ve read! And I gave most of them 4 to 5 stars (maybe not Glass Sword though because I remember being disappointed by it). I struggle so much with removing books from my tbr so I kind of admire you!


  4. Carolina @fictionologyst says:

    I haven’t read any of SJM books and I didn’t interested at all. OMG TLC is my fav series!


    1. jamishelves says:

      I read the first one bc there’s so much hype I thought it’d be good but ?? No ???? I’ve heard great things about TLC! But it’s just not my thing

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I also deleted It from my tbr, but it was because I reeeeeeeeeeally disliked the movie. I found the narrative to be very misogynistic and not scary at all for me, so I don’t feel like reading a huge book that I’m not going to enjoy


  6. *howling laughter* long ass book is an understatement for It.


  7. Rachana says:

    I actually don’t remember a lot of books I’ve removed from my tbr too!! I really liked 2/5 of the book series you mentioned in this post haha. I was obsessed with the ToG series in middle school. The Lunar Chronicles is also a series I loved but like ToG, I stopped reading the last few books in the series because I just..lost interest in it I guess. I feel conflicted about Beauty Queens. I listened to an audiobook of it and thought it was sort of funny and memorable but yeah..not amazing.


  8. Ilsen Leon says:

    I totally agree with removing Red Queen off your TBR. I mean you saved yourself. I liked Red Queen but Glass Sword was just so boring. Ugh. I read the first book in The Lunar Chronicles and it was good but if you’re not interested, you’re better off without it. I haven’t read Throne of Glass but was meaning to. I’ve read ACOTAR and while I liked it, not everyone will. IT was never something I was interested in. Plus it’s like 1000 pages and I’m not even interested in the movie. Thanks for warning me about the representation. I’ll still try out the book but I still need to try out The Diviners!


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