Hi all !  I decided to do a ~controversial post~  today and talk about some popular books I won’t be reading (probably). Some of these are out and some aren’t, but all of them are books I’ve seen a lot of people hyping up and I just – have no interest in reading! There’s so many of these for me, especially given how much I’m not into YA lately, but I decided to pick out ten books I think super popular right now that I have no interest in reading.


➤ Twilight / Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer
Better get the big one out the way first. With Midnight Sun coming out, it feels like Twilight is back on and I’ll just… never read this. Allll the problematic elements aside, this still interests me absolutely zero percent. I don’t really get into vampire novels, and even reading this for ~content~ which a lot of people seem to do honestly doesn’t appeal to me, just seems annoying. I’m so content skipping the Twilight phase

➤ Throne of Glass of Sarah J. Maas
This series cops so much flack and yet it still has a lot of die-hard fans and gets recommended to me ALL THE TIME. I’ve read the first book but I know I’ll never ever continue. First of all, it’s so long to dedicate my time to. Second, I really didn’t like book one and third, I’ve heard so many bad things about the later books from actual fans of this series who liked the earlier books. So there’s no way I’d spend my time on this when I could read other things.

➤ A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
For similar reasons as above, I really don’t have any interest in reading Sarah J. Maas. I did hear the second book of this series is good, but they’re really long and I really don’t think I’d ever pick this up over the hundreds of other books on my TBR.

➤ Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater
This one might be ~controversial~. I love The Raven Boys and still reread and enjoy it. But I don’t think I’ll be continuing with the series when this new book comes out. I’m torn because Adam Parrish is my fave boy, but ultimately I don’t think this series needed more. But the major reason is that I don’t want to support Maggie Stiefvater anymore (for a multitude of reasons). Also, the cover is literally hideous, which I’ve interpreted as a sign from the universe to not buy this. I’ll probably just read a spoiler review of this so I know what happens to Adam and leave it at that.

➤ A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer
This is a more recent book but a lot of people seem to be reading and loving it lately. It’s been recommended to me a few times, but I’ve come to a realisation recently – I really don’t like retellings. There are a few exceptions but generally, they aren’t my thing. I also am just not interested in this, so as much as it keeps coming across my Goodreads and Twitter I don’t think I’ll be reading it.

➤ Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin
Every one is reading this lately, mostly for it’s enemies to lovers content. I’ve seen it described as Nina/Matthias fanfiction which.. I kinda hate Nina and Matthias as a couple. This is one of those hit or miss books and I just feel like I’ll land in the HATE IT camp. So even though a lot of people keep telling me to read it, I don’t think I will be.

➤ My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell
A lot of people are talking about this one right now, but it’s subject matter just does not interest me at all. I can see why a lot of people are into this book and are interested in how it deals with it’s topic, plus explores its themes, but the things it explores are just not ones I care about reading myself, even though I think this book is doing something important.

➤ Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
People endlessly recommend this to me and I just….. don’t care. First, I don’t care for the author and find the way he tweets and some things he has said to be extremely off-putting and problematic. But mostly, the entire concept of this book just doesn’t appeal to me. I hate books with footnotes and told about one person from the POV of another. Also, the tropes/archetypes of the main character are ones that just don’t really appeal to me, I just don’t ever find ‘one girl has to be super badass/hard’ to be a compelling character arc. Finally, I watched the series starring Piera Forde on YouTube and although it was cool, it didn’t interest me enough to pick the book up.

➤ My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh
Another adult literary book I’ve heard people rave about endlessly but the premise just…. does not interest me at all. I actually originally thought this was non-fiction and was more interested in reading it then than I am now finding out it’s a novel. I have heard so many people describe this book and talk about it and it never, ever makes me want to actually read this.

➤ Educated by Tara Westover
This book originally interested me for it’s premise. I thought a memoir about growing up in a cult would definitely be interesting. But ultimately hearing more and more people talk about this, I’m less inclined to pick it up. I kinda feel like its been talked to death and know every thing that happens in it. There was also some problematic elements that were called out which kinda put me off picking it up.


Are there any popular books you have no interest in reading, have you read any of these, or think you won’t ever read them like me? I would love to hear in the comments.

until next time!


  1. Elsie says:

    Nevernight is in my Nope list too.. I just don’t get the whole concept of footnotes. Feels like a very lazy way to do world building 🤷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jamishelves says:

      Yes exactly like …. I don’t wanna feel like I’m reading a text book LMAO

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m still on the fence on ToG for the same reasons you mentioned above, except I’m really curious on what’s the hype is all above 😂 I know I won’t be reading Call Down the Hawk and The Midnight Sun though!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your Tita Kate says:

    I haven’t read any of these books except for Serpent & Dove and have absolutely no desire to, tbh. And also really the only reason I read Serpent & Dove was because a friend told me it would make me laugh – and it did. And not in a good way. It’s the kind of incredibly badly-written book with nonsensical events that is just so terrible you can’t help but find it hilarious skfdgdsgfdg.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shans_Shelves says:

    I Feel the exact same about ACOTAR. I like the idea of fae by SJM writes sex scenes that scar me for life and I think I’ll avoid that 😂

    Another popular book I see around is Normal People by Sally Rooney, and that’s another I don’t think I’ll touch. It just sounds so boring to me!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jamishelves says:

      I LOVEEEEEEEE normal people but its definitely quite literary fiction-y, character driven and slow, so I can see why people wouldn’t be draw to it

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Some of these books are on my fave series list, such as ACOTAR, TOG and Serpent & Dove. But aside that, I agree with you on never reading Twilight. It was a huge thing back in the day that’s coming to the scene again with Midnight Sun but I just can’t be bothered, there are many other books out there that I believe are worth my time so much more😕

    Liked by 1 person

  6. bibliojessi says:

    Hard agree with a lot of these. Especially throne of glass, I thought the first book was kinda boring and I would only wanna dedicate time to a long ass series if I truly loved it. And lol at never night, I also simply don’t care no matter how much hype I see. 😂


    1. jamishelves says:

      the first throne of glass IS boring lmfao. like, I don’t get why people think its good ksks. Same with nevernight, stop shoving it down my throat people i swear its never happening


  7. I can’t believe I spent money and time on serpent and dove with all the hype, you’re wise to avoid that one ajjdkfk 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jamishelves says:

      I remember you talking about it on twt and me like aodidksk im never reading it

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can retire from the book community knowing I’ve done one thing right ajsjjfjfjf


  8. Eleanor says:

    I’ve read quite a lot of these haha, but I can totally see the reasons why anyone wouldn’t want to read them. with throne of glass the series changes so much in the middle that you either love it or hate it, and a lot of people hate it lol. and I don’t see the hype at all around a curse so dark and lonely, I don’t think the series as a whole is that original.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jamishelves says:

      Yeah I feel like I’ll definitely fall into the hate it camp and I can’t be bothered investing just to hate it! I agree, I mean I haven’t read it but … I find retellings are never that original


  9. Nevernight, A Court of Thorns and Roses, My Dark Vanessa and Serpant and Dove are books I am not going to read! Throne of Glass was okay when I read it at around age 12, but I am not a fan now. I read Call Down The Hawk, loved it, but haven’t read the Raven Boys and I don’t plan to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jamishelves says:

      Wow I can’t believe you’ve read CDTH and not The Raven Boys! I loved TRC and I thought everyone who read call down the hawk did so because they loved TRC, interesting !!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, lol! When I bought CDTH from the bookstore I didn’t realise it was part of the Raven Boy’s series! I decided to read it despite not having read TRC. I didn’t feel like I was missing much, besides more of a connection to the characters. I really like the characters of CDTH and Maggie Steifvater’s writing style, so maybe I should read TRC! The Raven Boys has just never sparked my interest, which is why I still don’t feel like reading it.


  10. Bertie says:

    I’m with you on not wanting to read twilight / midnight sun! As a kid I was massively into twilight but I think that’s where it deserves to stay, in the past.


  11. Definitely agree on SJ Maas! I read the first Throne of Glass book when it came out in 2012 and never got around to the rest of the series. And I know fantasy isn’t usually *my* genre, but all her books sound literally the same? And they’re all about Super Special Magical White Girls? Blech. Nothing wrong with that, just not my thing.

    Also agreeing on Jay Kristoff. I REALLY liked his first steampunk series set in fake-Japan, but that was back before I was more critical of things like cultural appropriation, etc. What I’ve seen of him since then is pretty off-putting. :/


  12. Marie says:

    This post feels, well, very relatable 😂 I unfortunately had that twilight phase a LONG time ago, but I’m staying away from that series and Midnight Sun, far far faaaaaaaaaaaar away, honestly I just can’t do it. That cover makes me sick physically, too tbh 😂 I also don’t have any interest in reading anything Sarah J. Maas, either!
    Loved this post! 🙂


  13. Yep, hard pass on Sarah J. Maas books. Nevernight’s not my cup of tea either, tries too hard to be ‘dark and twisted and badass’. I think I’d have loooved Midnight Sun back in the Twilight days(because I read the excerpt that Meyer put up after she got upset over the manuscript being leaked) but it’s been too long and I’ve already outgrown that kind of problematic story. I really enjoyed the Raven Cycle(have 2 more books to go) and found her writing so delicious(lol) once I got over the weirdness/unconventional nature. It was unique, descriptive and I enjoyed being surprised by what new way she’d string contradictory words together. It’s weird cuz they sound like nonsense, yet you get it means. Fun post, btw!


  14. koh says:

    cdth is better than all of the raven cycle books imo but you do you


  15. With all the flack Jay Kristoff is getting, I don’t want to be near any of his books. The only book I have of him is Illuminae, and that’s because the book was popular when I first got into the online book world. I’m glad I didn’t read it; it’s like I dodged a bullet.

    I also have no desire to read Emily Duncan (her racist ass can go to hell). I’m on the fence with Cassandra Clare because her books are full of drama and angst — which I do love to read about every now and then — but I have to read so many books to catch up, and UGH. I have no energy for that. 😂


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